Registry Summary tables

This option presents the population pyramid and the sex- and age-specific and summary incidence tables by population.


Country :



Tables of incidence by registry

The rates given in the body of these tables are the average annual incidence by sex, site, and age group per 100 000 population, i.e. they have been averaged over the number of years for which data are presented. The column headings are defined below:

Site : A shortened version of the full ICD-10 title describes each site or site grouping.

All ages: The total number of cases by site and for all sites.

Age unk: The numbers of cases of unknown age by site. They are included in the total numbers of cases and in the calculation of the all-ages crude rate, for each site and for all sites, but obviously do not appear in the age-specific rates. They are taken into account in the computation of the world standardized and cumulative incidence rates.

0-, 5-, etc.: The age groups for which incidence data are presented. These usually end with the age group 85+ years, but for some registries population data are not available above age 70 or 75 years and in this case the incidence data finish at age 70+ or 75+ years.

Crude rate: The crude average annual incidence rate, based on the total number of registrations, of known and unknown ages, by site.

%: The proportional frequency of each site to the total of all sites excluding ICD-10 C44 (other skin).

Cum 0-64 and Cum 0-74: The sum over each year of age of the age-specific incidence rates, taken from birth to age 64 years and from birth to age 74 years.

ASR(W): The world age-standardized incidence rate by site.

ICD(10th): The ICD-10 (version 2010) code(s) corresponding to the site or group of sites given in the left-hand column.

Key to conventions and symbols used in the tables

Zero rate: a dash (–) means that there are no cases registered. 0.0 means an incidence rate less than 0.05.

Population at risk

For populations with people of unknown age, the numbers are shown below the lowest age group in the pyramid. The percentages by age are computed of the total (male and female) population.