
The data from Volume XII are available through two databases. These two databases contain tabulated data (no individual records). The data are stored in the traditional form of number of cases by sex, 5-year age group, and cancer type. They are recorded in Comma-Separated Value (CSV) format and can be easily incorporated into statistical packages for further analysis. The layout of the data files together with the cancer and the population dictionaries are provided as text files.

Before downloading the files, please note that they may be freely used but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial or promotional purposes, and provided any use shall be subject to appropriate reference and acknowledgement of the source.

  1. The CI5-XII summary database contains the data used in the online analysis options of this Internet application (3-character ICD-10 sites).
  2. The CI5-XII detailed database contains the data used to produce the book. The standard 3-character ICD-10 anatomical sites have been replaced by a set of 345 categories based on a combination of ICD-10 3- or 4-character ICD-10 site codes and ICD-O-3 morphological groups (see the "Tables by histological type" menu option).

The printed version of CI5 Volume XII (IARC Scientific Publication No. 169) is available for download in PDF format from the IARC Publications website:


Great care should be exercised when using the detailed databases of Volumes VII, VIII, IX, and X, and when comparing incidence rates for histological subtypes of cancers.

The values for the specified histological types will be greatly influenced by the proportion of unspecified cases at a given site. One must also consider the proportion of cases with no microscopic verification, since the calculations of rates for histological subtype can only be done for microscopically verified cases.

Researchers are strongly recommended either to select datasets with few cases in the missing categories, or to make an appropriate adjustment before comparing rates.