
Before downloading the files, please note that they may be freely used but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial or promotional purposes, and provided any use shall be subject to appropriate reference and acknowledgment of the source.

Two databases are available for download:

  • CI5plus, summary (updated October 2024): contains the tabulated (no individual records) annual data used in this Internet application.
  • CI5plus, detailed (updated October 2024): contains updated annual incidence rates for 125 registry populations published in CI5, for the longest period available (up to 2017), for all cancers and 28 major types (see the Cancer dictionary menu option). CI5plus can be used for time trends analyses, but differences over time in registration practices and coding make it necessary to interpret trends with caution
  • Legacy format: summary or detailed.

The data are recorded as text files in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format, and can be incorporated easily into statistical packages for further analysis.


Great care should be exercised when using the detailed databases of Vol. VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII and when comparing incidence rates for histological subtypes of cancers. The values for the specified histological types will be greatly influenced by the proportion of unspecified cases at a given site. One must also consider the proportion of cases with no microscopic verification, since the calculations of rates for histological subtype can only be done for microscopically verified cases.

Researchers are strongly recommended either to select datasets with few cases in the missing categories, or to make an appropriate adjustment before comparing rates.